Sunday Roll Call

on 7/9/11 9:47 pm
Good Morning PA!!

I am up bright and early because the cat woke me up! She wanted to be fed, THE NERVE!!

Today is family day! We are going to go to King of Prussia mall for the day. Then we are going to Cheesecake factory for an early dinner. Not much else going on...

Happy Sunday!!

Have a great day!
Love to all, Beth">">>

on 7/9/11 9:59 pm
 Good morning Beth and PA, how is everyone?

Been quite a while since I have posted.  All is well in NNJ, been soaking in the sun.  Went to Ft. Lauderdale on vacation last week and had a great time soaking in the sun.  Funny, I went on vacation and actually lost weight.  I am now done 156 lbs and been maintaining.  I weigh 153 lbs.  Amazes me that I have lost more than I weigh.

I have still been dating, was dating someone for a couple of months, broke up and now kind of reconciling, but keeping my options open.  Just trying to have some fun.

Hope all is great with everyone.


Lois G.
on 7/9/11 10:00 pm - Ashland, PA
Goodmorning PA......what a day, beautiful outside, up at 6 for a very busy day and week.....still as bad as my body hurt from putting together four book cases.......yuk...and now making dinner for my family who are coming in from all over......well, lets say I still got to do my bike riding in, and put the roast on and peeled the potatoes,,,,when I get home from church just have to turn on the potatoes......tomorrow is the biggy, please pray for my mom's husband, he is getting a biopsy on his right lung, they found a mass and on his lymp noids.....he is 88 and under l00 pounds....he had his voice box taken out over l0 years they know it probably the cancer back...thank you................I know our struggle is daily with wls......but we have a choice on how we plan the battle for it, cancer has its own agenda................................have a blessed day...and also pray for Norman, (cleo's mom) he is having surgery tomorrow too...........................
Liz R.
on 7/9/11 10:18 pm - Easton, PA
Good morning gang! Mia was bright eyed and bushy tailed at 5:30am so we got an early start! Already straightened uP some in the kitchen and made us breakfast. We are resting now, maybe she'll take an early nap. Plans today are more cleaning and packing for vacation! Hope to get it all done because I know it's going to be a crazy work week.

Enjoy the sunshine today!
IdaMae D.
on 7/9/11 10:52 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Beth & PA:

I'm just getting up.  Slept late today.  Yesterday when Gene got home from seeing his client, we both sat down to have something to eat and we both fell asleep for a couple hours.  We never picked up the Harley - we went out to look around the driveway and garage and with all the construction stuff still going on there is just no place to park the Harley or bring our baby home yet.   Hoping a couple days will change that.  The siding is supposed to be going up starting this week so once that is up I belive the outside will be complete and any more nails in the driveway will be over.  We'll see otherwise we'll have to put the baby back into storage and we don't want to do that it is costing too much to keep it in storage any longer.

The taping, mudding guys were not happy that Gene and I messed up some of their work.  Oh well, we trusted our contractor to prep the wall that he touched and he did not.  When Gene and I started taking down the rest of the wall paper to get the house ready for painting next week, we found the contractor has not preped the wall and taken down the fabric backing that is under the wall paper.  So as we were taking the fabric off the wall we found the sheet rock tapers has mudded over the fabric so we pulled quite a bit of their completed work down as well, you cannot paint over this fabric the wall would have looked TERRIBLE, and the contractor is away on vacation so we can't call him to let him know we are extremely unhappy with his inadequate prep work.  When this is done we expect our house to look good, not half assed.

I was exhausted yesterday, I need my sleep.  I fell asleep about 8 last night right after the guys got out of the house and stopped making noise and slept till a few minutes ago.

Now I have to read three papers and decide which I'm going to write a reflection paper on, then I have  couple chapters to read and takes notes on to prepare for tomorrow nights class.  I think we are also having a quiz tomorrow night, we have 3 classes left, one is an on line class, the next one our prof will not be teaching that night he is traveling on business, and the last night of class we are all presenting powerpoint presentations.

Today would have been my mom's 87th birthday she passed away in 1996.  I still find myself going to pick up the phone to call her when I have something to tell her or when I just need to hear her voice.  I know a monther's love never leave us, but it's very tough loosing your mom. 

Hope everyone has a great day....



on 7/9/11 10:57 pm - Bethlehem Twp., PA
Good morning, PA!

This is truly a beautiful morning! 

Our day off is going to be a busy one.  Finally found a plus-size mannequin on Craigslist for the store, driving to Middletown, NJ to pick her up.  While we are out there, going down to Jersey Shore outlets, just because I can't resist a good outlet mall.  Stopping in Freehold where hubby's stepfather's house is to check the mail then back home to PA.  Nice day for driving, making sure I have my tunes in the car!

Yesterday was my 11 month surgiversary.  I am down 136 lbs and very happy!  The weight loss has slowed down quite a bit, only 5 lbs this past month.  I am starting to have issues with things getting stuck again, I may need to get stretched again.  The surgeon warned me this might happen after he stretched my stricture back in October.

They also found out I have an abdominal wall hernia, the left side of my belly has something protruding.  Dr. Boorse said I can wait to have this fixed after I am at goal weight, and can have plastics at the same time if I like.

Hope everyone has a GREAT day!!

on 7/9/11 11:49 pm - Pottstown, PA

Good morning everyone!!!!!!!

I was up at 2 am for quite a few hours as the Lil Sweet Pea has decided I am no longer to be comfortable when sleeping!! LOL But finally fell back asleep and the Hubby let me sleep in so we are now getting ready to head over to mass at 10:30 am...then home for breakfast and we are pretty much hanging out at the house for the day. Got all the running around done yesterday so today we can just relax.

Looking forward to summer school being over in a couple of weeks--I'm exhausted from the pregnancy and the commute is no help. I am definitely entering the "nesting" phase I think as all I want to do right now is stay close tohome and clean and organize and get things ready for the Sweet Pea!!!

But today looks like it will be gorgeous! So I think I am going to make some fresh iced tea and grab a book and sit out on the porch for a lil bit today and enjoy it!!!

Hope everyone has a super Sunday!!!

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 7/10/11 1:27 am - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Beth and PA peeps!

     We are getting ready for my niece's graduation party today.  The house has been in a flux what with carpets getting cleaned and things being moved all around.  It's supposed to be less humid today with a high of 90.  Hopefully people will be spread out during the 4 hours of the open house.  Am heading back down to Caoe May on Tuesday for another week of volunteer work at the retreat house.  Getting my laundry done so I can pack up again.  Not too much else going on.  Hope that everyone has a great day - remember to keep hydrated.  Take care.


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